Research Scholar
Super resolution imaging using metamaterials and array transducer
Project Staff
Shobot " Human assistive robot for shop floor environment"
Research Scholar
NDE- All in One Platform (Enhancing NDE with Digital Ecosystems: Bridging Gaps in Procurement, Training, and Asset Management )
Research Scholar
Eccentric Virtual Array Source Aperture (EVASA) Ultrasound Imaging Technique Using Phased Array Excitation
Research Scholar
Nonlinear ultrasonics in guided media and usage of metamaterials
Project Staff
Development of fibre optic based intrusion and leak detection for gas pipelines
Research Scholar
Design and development of the high temperature EMAT sensors for monitoring continuous casting process of steel
Research Scholar
Pipe Inspection using Ultrasonic Guided Waves with Staggered EMAT
Research Scholar
Guided Wave Phased Array Imaging for Defect Detection
Research Scholar
In-situ High Temperature Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing for Characterisation of Solid/Liquid Interface during Continuous Casting of Steel
Research Scholar
Development of a Noise-Based Passive Structural Health Monitoring System for Composite Structure
Project Staff
Super-Resolution Ultrasonic Imaging Using Structured Channel Metamaterial Lenses
Research Scholar
Evaluation of Welding Defect and Remnant Thickness in Steel Pipes Using Shear Horizontal Ultrasonic Guided Waves with EMAT
Research Scholar
Evaluation of Welding Defect and Remnant Thickness in Steel Pipes Using Shear Horizontal Ultrasonic Guided Waves with EMAT
Research Scholar
Finite Element Modelling and Simulation of Human Tissue with a Focus on Sub-Wavelength Resolution in Viscoelastic Materials for Ultrasonic Inspection
Senior Software Developer(Project Staff )
Ind-RoPRIT: Roller Probe based Reformer Inspection Tube
Senior Project Engineer (Project Staff )
Ind-RoPRIT: Roller Probe based Reformer Inspection Tube